Posted by
Thursday, June 19, 2008
at 9:07:00 PM
ExamsOverall it was okay, Chemistry was tough and Biology, I had no time to complete all. Imagine 11 long structures questions, 1 essay and 25 MCQ in just 2 hours! LOL. Anyway, I now just surrender it to God!
Amazing G-RaceSo, miss me? Rindu sama saya? Hahax!
As you guys already read most of the updates on Amazing G-race already, so I'll will not post about what we did cause most of you guys already know but I will give me view about the race!
The race was AWESOME in total! Great job done by the organizers! And God is
GOOD all the time by providing us a safe journey and nice whether!
First of all, my team was a blast! I couldn't hope and ask more from them! They were amazing!
The girls in my group, Shir Hoay, Julia and Jia Ling are qualified to be a mum already! The way they take care of the eggs, I salute them! During the whole journey, not even one egg is broken! Praise the Lord!

This is Ben and Matthew at the Christian Cemetery there during our first task!
Then, my group member, Shaun, Kon Joe, Matthew and David are the master mind! They are the ones who broke the lock in just the first try! Praise the Lord! Then Edmund, I thank him for his team spirit! Although he had a backpain but still he didn't grumble during the whole journey! Thank you bro!

A group photo at youth park
My group didn't start really well due to some probs and clashes of opinion between 2 of my members, but I see God moved in them! Because In CHRIST, United WE STAND! In the end, from last to the front pack of the race! Praise the Lord!

Group photo while waiting for the committee in the Promise Land there! Swt!

Church's Pormise Land (MMC land)

Shaun making a post! LoL

Kon Joe washing plates at the 7th Street there!
PS: your bro is gonna be so proud of you! Hahax!

Shir Hoay washing plates too!

Jia Ling washing plates!

Julia and David washing plates! All suddenly became so kuai wan! =p

The Land and people that God is gonna use them!
As a conclusion, winner doesn't matter in this race! It's the unity for God that matters! We start the race as one in the body of Christ and finish the race as one too! I hope that everyone of us will finish this race of life righteously in the Lord's eyes!
God really test us throughout the race. As we know ourselves, when we're at the Lam Hwa Ee hospital there heading towards Hunza, we know that we're leading and so close to finish the race already. Then, when we gone down from the bus, an uncle also blur blur follow us down. He wants to go to Sungai Dua but he followed us down to Batu Lanchang there. And he doesn't know how to get to the nearest bus-stop to sit the bus again. He wants us to bring him there but we're in the race! So, in the end, we showed him the way, write on a piece of paper for him, "SG. DUA - USM" and me and Edmund asked him to show to the bus driver when the bus comes.
I'm glad that we did the right thing to help that uncle! Not tempted to win the race! And I thank God for having such wonderful and understanding group members!
Overall, the race was
AWESOME! PRAISE THE LORD!For those people that miss it, you must not miss next year's!
Tata! take care and God bless!
I'm Happy =). Can't wait for Ignite this saturday!