Hey guys. I love today. Know why?
Cause it's friday - last day of lecture class and tmrw is saturday which is Ignite and church! Siok rite? LoL. okay, today! Me, Ash, Lau Kong and Glorianne went to watch Batman - Dark knight in gurney. Had fun. Batman, to me is seriously the best film of the year. Joker was phenomenal, but it is not really good film to watch cause it's violent.
This is my friend Lau Kong, we're at the midland Shell petrol station.
Then, after college, dad pick me up and headed off to Rasa Sayang resort for International buffet. Don't get me wrong, we're not really rich. It's just that my dad's ex staff is now working as a manager there. So he wants to thank my dad by chia-ing him and family to eat the buffet. I heard in the hotel, one pax is around 99 bucks and we ate for FREE! Praise the Lord! We ate a lot of food. From western grill to eastern sushi and desert with the fundue. So let the pictures do the talking!
Cause it's friday - last day of lecture class and tmrw is saturday which is Ignite and church! Siok rite? LoL. okay, today! Me, Ash, Lau Kong and Glorianne went to watch Batman - Dark knight in gurney. Had fun. Batman, to me is seriously the best film of the year. Joker was phenomenal, but it is not really good film to watch cause it's violent.
Then, after college, dad pick me up and headed off to Rasa Sayang resort for International buffet. Don't get me wrong, we're not really rich. It's just that my dad's ex staff is now working as a manager there. So he wants to thank my dad by chia-ing him and family to eat the buffet. I heard in the hotel, one pax is around 99 bucks and we ate for FREE! Praise the Lord! We ate a lot of food. From western grill to eastern sushi and desert with the fundue. So let the pictures do the talking!
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