Posted by
Monday, December 22, 2008
at 6:01:00 PM
Gam Xia Chu! 3 nights of Christmas Presentation has ended smoothly. I'm really glad to see people coming to know the Lord! Praise God! I didn't really take pictures with my old cam this year because I was busy taking pictures using uncle william's cam and melvin's cam. Haha. I will upload more pictures when I grab from them okay? Haha. Oh ya, actually me very SOTONG. LoL. Blur me, I always thought that the requirement to go in IMU medicine is 85, manatau it's only 80. Swt, I actually can make it eh! Blur me. LoL.

Thats me, Ben and Aaron on the first night!
Okay, Christmas is just round the corner. When people think of Christmas, people think of:
Friends, it's been years after years you guys did all those things mentioned above. Don't you think you've missed out something? Do all these things really satisfy you?
Now, do allow me to tell you more about Christmas, the
TRUTH meaning of Christmas.
Christmas is actually Jesus's birthday. Jesus was born on this very day (25th of Dec) 2000 years ago. Why is it so special?
It is because God sent HIS one and only son Jesus to die for us. As we all know, everyone is a sinner. We do tell lies, hate someone at times, talk dirty and all. It's because God loves us so much and HE doesn't want us to go to Hell, because the penalty for SIN is death and eternal suffering in Hell. That is why HE sent Jesus to die for our sin. So that whoever believes in HIM shall not perish but have eternal life.
Friends, Bible never lie, God's word never fails. Come and know HIM and you will definitely feel different in celebrating Christmas this year.
You can make a Difference.
JESUS is the REASON for the SEASON
I wish you all Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year! God bless you!