Posted by
Sunday, October 12, 2008
at 8:08:00 PM
I'm gonna write it fast because i need to go and study. LoL.
Okay, Saturday was a tirng yet awesome day. Went for morning prayer meeting. It was really refreshing. Then, breakfast with friends. I went home with Aaron to prepare him for the final time for his PMR next week. Then, after shower, I went to Sunrise McD to meet up with Jenny, Michelle Ann, Siew Hui and Kevin to discuss about the Bio presentation. LOL. Michelle's car! LoL. Hope everything is fine. Then, we went off to gurney to buy and check things that we need for the presentation. We managed to call a button badge printer. Our theme is GO GREEN. HAHAX. Then I headed to Melvin's house then Ignite. Ignite was awesome. Interesting sharing from Abel. Then of course, supper. LoL.
Then this afternoon, went to Trader Hotel for the Aus education fair. As usual, kena lecture from dad. =.=. Anyway, I have a clearer mindset now. LoL. Hmm, I realised that there are a lot of ways acheiving your goals as long as you surrender them to God.
So, I'm applying either Medicine, Bio-tech or Medical Bio-Science in the following Uni.
- Adelaide U, Biotech
- Flinders U, Biotech
- Uni of Western Aus, Biotech
- Sunway Monash, Biotech + Medical Bio-Science.
- Aimst, Medicine
- IMU, Medicine
So, if I cant get medicine for 5 and 6, I will do biotech first. Then probably come out and work for like one year, then only MASUK medicine straight to the 3rd year. So, this is what i mean ways to achive goals. I cant get medicine straight, I use the longer way. As long as you put your trust in God that HE has the best plan for you.
Do uphold these applications in your prayer. Hahax. Thanks a lot.
All the best to those people taking PMR!

Put God first in everything you do! Always practice a Christ centered life but not self-centered life. No matter what happen, God is still in control of everything!